Sunday, May 31, 2020

Communication Fail!!!

Communication Fail!!! I get LOTS of emails a day.  Thousands each week.  I have gotten pretty good at looking at the subject line and then deleting, if it smells like spam. The next place to look is the first line or two of the email again, if it smells like spam, I delete it. I hate to seem so brash, but Im hurried.  That isnt your FAULT, but it might be your PROBLEM. If you create an email message that looks like spam, I MIGHT DELETE IT. My process becomes a FAIL, or PROBLEM, for you, even though it isnt your FAULT. Heres an email I got recently (read this whole thing Im writing it here for a reason): Are you freaking kidding me?  Where to begin lets start at #1: The only reason they put JibberJobber Blog in here is because thats how they have me in their database.  No relationship here, just a NUMBER.  #FAIL Mr.?  Seriously?  #FAIL Who addresses people with their last name?  We usually use first name, dont we? #FAIL Blogger really?  #FAIL Can you interest me?  No, sorry, you lost me on the very first line, and it went downhill from their.  #FAIL Whoever sent this has no excuse they are PR people who were hired to be communications experts but couldnt even craft an email properly.  A communications expert who couldnt communicate go figure. Why am I writing this here? Because YOU might be doing the same thing!  Be sensitive very sensitive to the person you are writing.  Are you turning them off in your subject line, or in the introduction, or by the length of the email? I just created one of my new favorite recordings on EMAIL ETIQUETTE Im convinced MOST of us are doing it wrong.   It is called Effective Email Communication. You can see the 12 modules here it is a short program (around an hour?), but I dive into what a lot of people make mistakes on. DO NOT BUY INDIVIDUAL MODULES that is a design issue we need to fix. The price for this entire training is $50.  If you get it this week Ill do it for $40 (I have to delete this line after this week).  You can pay here, let me know in the description/comments box what your JJ username is, and you can access it online, after you login to JibberJobber. My heavens, stop making those email mistakes that makes you look like an email noobie! Communication Fail!!! I get LOTS of emails a day.  Thousands each week.  I have gotten pretty good at looking at the subject line and then deleting, if it smells like spam. The next place to look is the first line or two of the email again, if it smells like spam, I delete it. I hate to seem so brash, but Im hurried.  That isnt your FAULT, but it might be your PROBLEM. If you create an email message that looks like spam, I MIGHT DELETE IT. My process becomes a FAIL, or PROBLEM, for you, even though it isnt your FAULT. Heres an email I got recently (read this whole thing Im writing it here for a reason): Are you freaking kidding me?  Where to begin lets start at #1: The only reason they put JibberJobber Blog in here is because thats how they have me in their database.  No relationship here, just a NUMBER.  #FAIL Mr.?  Seriously?  #FAIL Who addresses people with their last name?  We usually use first name, dont we? #FAIL Blogger really?  #FAIL Can you interest me?  No, sorry, you lost me on the very first line, and it went downhill from their.  #FAIL Whoever sent this has no excuse they are PR people who were hired to be communications experts but couldnt even craft an email properly.  A communications expert who couldnt communicate go figure. Why am I writing this here? Because YOU might be doing the same thing!  Be sensitive very sensitive to the person you are writing.  Are you turning them off in your subject line, or in the introduction, or by the length of the email? I just created one of my new favorite recordings on EMAIL ETIQUETTE Im convinced MOST of us are doing it wrong.   It is called Effective Email Communication. You can see the 12 modules here it is a short program (around an hour?), but I dive into what a lot of people make mistakes on. DO NOT BUY INDIVIDUAL MODULES that is a design issue we need to fix. The price for this entire training is $50.  If you get it this week Ill do it for $40 (I have to delete this line after this week).  You can pay here, let me know in the description/comments box what your JJ username is, and you can access it online, after you login to JibberJobber. My heavens, stop making those email mistakes that makes you look like an email noobie!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Should You Put References On A Resume?

Should You Put References On A Resume?If you have an employer who asks you whether or not you have any references, your response is a big 'yes'. Why not? We can't change the fact that employers want to know whether or not someone has done something before.References should always be given on your resume and on the interview. You would only be confusing an employer if you say something different. Furthermore, some people do put notes in their resumes for a reference. Some others give the specific department, company or even individual.Why are references important? Sometimes, your references could tell you the truth. For example, if you recently met someone, maybe for the first time, and they are telling you that they are very enthusiastic about your business idea, but after the first meeting, they disappear. Well, this happens all the time. It can be due to simple miscommunication, if they didn't leave of their own volition, and may have been invited back to the second meeting.The inf ormation that you get from the reference can be used by your hiring manager. It could tell the hiring manager something about the person, or just clarify why they are interested in the job, perhaps it was an on-the-job training course or they just liked the way you presented yourself.When looking for references, the best people to find are current employees or former employees who are not currently working in your company. They might know someone who is now working for another company, and it might also help to find the employee's references.When we are searching for references, we need to consider a few things. First, do the references have proper references on their resumes? Second, what is the person's level of employment, and how much experience do they have?References can be turned into phrases such as, 'had a good first meeting with this individual,' or 'I enjoyed our first discussion.' These will help you feel more comfortable when talking to the references.References should be on your resume and on the interview. The reason is that you want to make sure that the employer gets what they are looking for, and if they don't, it will be confusing.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Best Way to Find and Protect Your Job - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

The Best Way to Find and Protect Your Job - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career There are many types of insurance that we are paying on a regular basis and we don’t typically reflect too much on that since it has become routine.   Some types of insurance are deducted automatically from the paycheck.   These are mandatory expenses while others are elective.   Insurance is a payment we pay to get protection against a possible eventuality.   It is a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death.   Commonly we insure our assets such as house, car and even unemployment or long term disability. But what can an individual do to protect their job, their income without which their mere existence is jeopardized? Protect your job through your skills. The job market changed and today it is almost impossible to protect any job.   World events destabilize the job market and employers need to react quickly.   Often they need to shed a large contingency of employees just to be able to stay in business. Simply, employees have no protection against such events regardless of the position within the organization. So what are they to do to insure themselves against such possibilities?   The answer is in continuously striving for opportunities to learn new skills and improve on the existing ones.   Think about what would be your answer if during a job interview you were to be asked to name two or three new things that you have learned during the last year.   Employers no longer value long tenure with one company.   They want to see skills and ambitious personality learning new skills because they know that the future in business is going to demand something that can not even be predicted today.   This is the type of insurance that companies need for their future and continuous existence and thriving at the same time. Companies are adapting fast â€" but are you? There are a myriad of companies developing tools, software and systems for sourcing talent.   Employers are investing in such products because they want to stay competitive. The supply of applicants or even passive candidates (A passive candidate is employed, but not currently looking for a new opportunity) is vast and they need tools to effectively sift through the many thousands of them.   Of course this can not be done manually.   Automation is the answer. The hiring process shifts gear In the past the practice had been that a person looking for a job is sending out many resumes to potential employers.   In those days there was a department called Personnel which actually used people to read through resumes and file them according to their existing departments/functions.   Once a replacement was needed they searched through their inventory.   Those days are gone forever! Today’s pace is much faster and the inventory is larger.   The modus operandi changed too.   While in the past a candidate’s professional past was summarized on say two pages today’s resume is on Google.   While the past practice was two dimensional via the resume, today that is multi-dimensional and searchable on the internet.   Employers are interested way beyond what the resume says.   They are searching on applicants routinely to find relevant information via social media.   This is a third dimension which did not exist in the past and today it is a competitive edge for some. The interviewing process changed Once the vast number of potential candidates has been narrowed down to a reasonable number they enter another phase in this competition.   Companies are no longer ready to pay for flying in viable candidates.   Companies need to be careful with their expenses and the Human Resources department which replaced Personnel is investing in new and existing technology.   For example, more and more companies are using not only video or Skype interviewing but some sophisticated software.  Candidates are asked to interview on camera without an interviewer present.   They are interviewing with a pc.   After they are sent a link to such a software they are instructed how to proceed.   They are given between six to ten questions to which they have only a short time to answer.   Say maximum two minutes. This process results in short video which is sent out to the interviewing team.   Each team member can make his or her comments to the rest of the team and able to score each candidate. The proces s seems very fragmented but certainly efficient.   Once the candidate passed this phase he or she is invited for an in person interview.   And now the big question is how many people are fully prepared not only to make a great impression via this rudimentary videoing system and at the same time able to deliver great interview answers within merely seconds.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

How NOT to Get Fired by Lord Sugar on The Apprentice

How NOT to Get Fired by Lord Sugar on The Apprentice When contestants enter The Apprentice, they should be prepared to face a grilling of a lifetime from Lord  Sugar. Its all part and parcel of entering the show after all. Known for his brutally honest approach, he doesnt exactly hold back from speaking his thoughts, no matter how harsh and if you fail to live up to his expectations hell fire you quicker than So knowing full well that theyre not going to be given an easy ride, entering the board room after a task can feel much like theyre entering a court room ready for sentencing. Obviously the only certain way to avoid getting fired by Alan Sugar is to not enter the Apprentice, but wheres the fun in that?! If you ever find yourself as a contestant on the show, or in a similar kind of candidate showdown, heres how not get fired! 1) Keep your ego at bay Its a bit of an ongoing trend among Apprentice contestants, that there will be some pretty huge egos among the group! In fact, I think its part of the criteria that producers look for when recruiting people for the show. Although a level of confidence and trust in your own abilities is essential to succeed in such a dog-eat-dog competition, arrogance is not regarded favourably  by Lord Sugar, so reel it in! 2) Listen to your team leader The role of the team leader is to assign each member of the group a role according to their strengths and to coordinate the task so that everything runs smoothly. If someone goes against the team leader or fails to adhere to their assigned role in the group, things are going to go pear shape! As the series goes on, tensions build among contestants and rifts are bound to occur, but for your sake as much of the team be cooperative, or youll be taking a trip to the board room! 3) Speak up If you spot a flaw in the plan for a group task, or have an idea for how it could be improved speak up early so that there is opportunity to take your thoughts on board. Sitting back and waiting for things to fall apart before bringing up is just plain pointless and makes you a bit of an idiot as Lord Sugar would say. Sure, theres the chance that youll get shot down (a pretty high chance actually, seeing as this is  the Apprentice were talking about), but at least youll have the ground to stand on that you made the suggestion. 4) Dont  argue in the board room No one wants to get fired, so theres not surprise that people get on the  defensive when theyre called back into the board room to face their fate. So if another contestant or member of the panel make a comment that rattles your cage, try to keep your cool. Fly off the handle in front of Lord Sugar and hes probably going to send you packing. 5) Use some common sense Lord Sugar has no time for silly mistakes and a lack of common sense. If he thinks that the teams failure is down to an individual behaving in a foolish or daft manner, hell make no hesitation to get rid of them. 6) Be creative A lot of the tasks given to the contestants require them to think outside the box a bit and come up with a product/event that will really stand out in the market and sell. There is no room for boring ideas that have been done time and time again. 7) Sell your product for a profit This might sound a bit like its stating the obvious, seeing as it is the sole purpose of the tasks, but youd be surprised how often contestants fail to do this. If you have zero sales ability, then the Apprentice probably isnt the show for you. 8) Have a good professional manner about you The aim of the Apprentice is for Lord Sugar to find himself a business partner, so if he doesnt feel that you are capable of presenting yourself in a professional manner, then hes going to have some pretty big concerns about going into business with you. This encompasses everything from the way you speak and interact with others in professional situations, to the way you dress. 9) Dont take a back seat If youre not pulling your weight in the team youll just come across as lazy or downright useless. Its important throw yourself in there, so that you can demonstrate your strengths and prove to Lord Sugar that you are worth keeping. 10) Dont annoy Sugar! Youre fired!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

How To Prepare Your Resume For Hiring A Resume Writing Service In Atlanta

How To Prepare Your Resume For Hiring A Resume Writing Service In AtlantaIf you are going to hire a resume writing service in Atlanta, there are some things that you need to be prepared with. The first is a document that you will use as your first introduction to the company. It should include the name of the owner of the business, the name of the owner of the company, and contact details such as phone number, email address, and mailing address.These are all essential information for any business. Some companies provide additional details such as financial reports, financial documents, and other public documents. You should also have the exact budget that the company has for advertisement.The document will list all the information that is needed by prospective clients so that they can get more information about the business. The length of time that the business has been in business and how long it has been in operation will also be listed. This is to help the potential client know ho w long they will be using the business.The next thing that you need to make sure that the documents you have been up to date is to check on any and all customer service issues that the company may have had. It would be a good idea to look up whether or not the company was in business for a few months. In the event that it wasn't, it would be a good idea to get a new one. Most resume writing services have this type of coverage, so this is not an issue.After this information, you should check on the payment history of the business. If you are paying on a monthly basis, then it would be a good idea to ensure that they have been in business for a few months and have not had any major issues. Sometimes this can be hard to tell; however, if the payment history has shown any discrepancies, then you should call them to find out why.Appearance is another major concern. You should be able to determine the look of the business when looking at it. Some businesses wear very formal, while others have a casual, laid back feel.Some may put address information, such as business address, or their street address, but will not have a telephone number. Others may put an email address, but won't have a physical address. It is important to take note of this so that you will know who to ask for help or for further information if you run into any issues with the business.The content of the resume that you write is also very important, because this is what potential clients will read. If the information on the resume is not appropriate, or if it is outdated, then it will only give the impression that the business is not trustworthy. If you hire a reputable company to write your resume, you should be sure that you cover all bases.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

5 Ways to Find A Professional Mentor -

5 Ways to Find A Professional Mentor Photo Credit â€" Flickr.comWhen I think about my career path, great mentors were instrumental in helping me succeed. Mentors not only helped me when I was stuck in a career rut but also provided inspiration and insight on my path of entrepreneurship.Are you looking to build your business or get a leg up on your career? Want to master a skill without spending years trying to figure it out alone?Many entrepreneurs and aspiring startup owners know a mentor could benefit them but are unsure of how to find one. “How can I approach a potential mentor?” is a question I commonly hear.1) Ask a colleagueevala) Where to look?evalInternally, we’ve seen mentor and mentee relationships benefit both parties and it has helped us foster a culture of open dialog and education.A colleague can be a current or former schoolmate, teammate, or even a coworker. These are people who have been in a similar environment and have achieved success.And there’s no need to stay within the boundaries of your own organization. You can find mentors at a professional networking event or other industry meetups.If you’re an entrepreneur, you can find a mentor among entrepreneurs who’ve achieved success in your niche.b) How to start a dialogBefore asking a colleague to mentor you long-term, it’s helpful to start with an informal meeting over coffee or lunch. You can use this time to get to know the person and see if you’re a good fit for each other.Send a follow-up message to thank them for your time and if you’re interested, ask for a second meeting where you can talk about a possible mentorship.Remember that not everyone has the time for or interest in mentoring, so allow your potential mentor the freedom to say no.2) Find someone who’s good at your dream skilla) Where to look?evalNo matter what you want to learn, someone out there is already wildly successful at it. They’ve spent months or years in trial and error, figuring out what works. They’ve perfected their craft and are enjoying the fruits of his work.Since he’s already achieved success, a mentor can show you the best path to get there. A mentor can tell you what works and prevent you from experiencing his failures.You can find these people in online communities or courses that teach the skills you’d like to learn. Or find a local Meetupof people who share a certain skill, hobby, or professional interest.b) How to start a dialogYou’ll probably find a lot of people who have the skills you’re looking for. You’ll then want to evaluate them to see if they’re fit to be a mentor.evalFind someone who can demonstrate their ability. If she claims to be skilled in sales, does she have the results? If he’s a surfer, can he show it?It’s best to avoid rushing into a mentorship based on someone’s qualifications or what they tell you in conversation. You don’t want to find out later that he doesn’t have the skills he claims to have.3) Find bloggers and online mentorsa) Where to look?You can easily find online services that provide mentors to you for a fee. Find a Mentorconnects you with skilled people in almost 2,000 categories, while RookieUpconnects aspiring creative professionals with design mentors. You can find mentor services in a huge array of categoriesAnother way is to search for blogs and LinkedIn accounts in your field that demonstrate success and authority. You can easily find contact information and ask if she’s interested in the idea of mentoring.b) How to start a dialogWith online relationships, it’s easy to abandon ship when the mentorship becomes challenging. A good mentor will challenge you to push your limits so you can grow, but it’s never enjoyable at the time.It’s tempting to run away, but staying committed and doing the work will lead to real growth and results.Mentoring isn’t done in a day, or even a few months. It takes real-time to see the fruit, so it’s worth staying.4) Someone with years of experiencea) Where to look?Anyone a round you can be a mentor. This is a great choice for you if you don’t have a specific career goal or skill that you’d like to obtain, but you’d like to improve your life through a mentor relationship.Choose someone you know who has a lot of life experience, or has experienced something that you’re going through right now. He may have lived longer or overcome difficulties early in life.evalThese people can challenge you to become stronger, overcome your weaknesses, and make the right decisions when life gets tough.b) How to start a dialogA mentor is someone who’s achieved success in an area, so don’t choose someone who’s struggling with the same thing you are. Those people are good for support, but they won’t be able to teach you how to get success if they haven’t reached it yet themselves.eval5) Someone you want to be likea) Where to look?Our Instagram feeds are full of people with beautiful bodies, lavish vacations, and delectable, perfectly-prepped desserts. Mos t of us passively scroll by, wishing we could have those things. And that’s okayâ€"it’s normal to feel envious of others when they have good things.But the truth is, we have the power to choose to become who we want to be.Why not find a person you admireâ€"whether he or she has great cooking skills, impeccable style, or a great personalityâ€"and ask them to help you get there too?evalIf you’re nervous to ask, think about how you would feel if someone approached you. Most people would be flattered that someone admires them and wants to learn from them.b) How to start a dialogOnce you’ve found someoneyou admire who’s willing to mentor you, make sure to approach the mentorship proactively.Don’t expect the other person to know what you need. Come prepared with questions, requests for advice and feedback, and clearly communicate your goals and schedule.And don’t forget to say thank you!Mentors are everywhere you look. You can get started nowâ€" grab a piece of paper, write down your top 5 goals, and commit to finding a mentor that will help you to reach them.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

How to Become a Truck Driver

How to Become a Truck Driver We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Truck drivers are among the most valued workers in the modern world. They work for companies of all types and sizes, shipping their products from the place of production to the place of marketing. The nature of their lives has been commemorated in countless songs, making them the twentieth-century equivalent of the nineteenth-century pioneer or frontiersman. Some truckers work for trucking firms, either private (the companies own their own trucks) or for hire (for anyone who can pay for their services). And many are self-employed. Owner operator trucking jobs allow truck drivers to their own driving for their own businesses. This article will tell you how to become one. If you love cruising the open road, then working in the trucking industry can be an enjoyable and lucrative career. Its also in high demand: the industry is currently in need of an extra 900, 000 drivers, NPR reports. Tweet This The ups and downs of driving ones own truck A self-employed driver can earn significantly more than the average member of his profession, who earns an average of $38,800 per year. Part of the reason for this is that there is no middleman or overhead expenses. There are those owner-operators whose annual salary exceeds $100,000. Such high revenue is especially great considering all the difficulties that a trucker has to face on the roadtoll booths to pass through; road traffic, occasional roadblocks, c. Downturns in the economy tend to affect the self-employed trucker more drastically than they do others. Photo by Robson Hatsukami Morgan on Unsplash Like any other economic venture, though, being ones own boss entails responsibilities that the driver who works for another does not have. These include maintaining the truck. There is accounting work involved. Solving cash flow problems using a factoring company for trucking. And, of course, if one does not already have a truckers license, then one must go through the training necessary to receive one; this means passing a state test. If possible, this test should be taken from a large trucking company, one that operates its own driving school. Being self-employed means that the driver is free toand mustset his own driving schedule and route. It is important to take advantage of this freedom to choose a route that will take the least amount of time and consume the least amount of gas. For the same reason, speeding should be avoided, as it not only wastes gas but induces wear and tear on the vehicle that can reduce its life. How to get started Being a self-employed trucker, in short, requires extensive skill and knowledge of both business and driving, making it a challenging undertaking indeed. And, of course, like any trucker, the self- employed must keep a driving log. Finally, there is the task of making records for the IRS. Thus, it is a good idea to take courses in accounting and bookkeeping, which can make it easier to deal with the economic difficulties mentioned earlier. If you want to learn more about getting started, you can read the article How to Start a Trucking Company. The individual who aspires to do his own truck driving should also put in at least $2,000 as a down payment. To purchase the truck itselfthese vehicles cost, on average, from $50,000 to $70,000requires the buyer to have a reliable credit history, usually a minimum of 600. The warranty will save the owner from having to take care of major repair expenses himself. To find a job, the trucker can enlist the aid of a recruiting, agency, do an online search, or join the Professional Truckers Association or another organization. Managing ones own truck can be difficult. But it may be worth it. Certainly, you may want to try something new. And the trucker who works for his own company may someday have his own fleet of drivers working for him. So now happy trucking! Photo by Matthew T Rader on Unsplash Other Support: One last remark, owner-operators dont only get to have the freedom of choosing their preferred jobs out of the many offered, but the carrier networks will also support them in the same way they would any other employee. They will help the driver find maintenance location, the pickup areas, and the drop off destinations. Plus they will assist in nearly every facet of the trucking industry when it becomes necessary; overall, the freedom, amount of work, and excellent support make the job of being an owner-operator one of the last of its kind. What's next? Ready to take action? Choose the right tools to help you build your career. Looking for related topics? Find out how to find the opportunities that help you grow your best career. Subscribe and make meaningful progress on your career. It’s about time you focused on your career. Get Educated Contact Us Advertise Copyright 2020 CareerAlley. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy + Disclosure home popular resources subscribe search

Friday, May 8, 2020

Two years ago I answered the least Tough Question Ive ever been given...

Two years ago I answered the least Tough Question Ive ever been given... Will you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? Thats Luke. Thats me. The Rabbi didnt say to kiss the bride, but he did it anyway. Thats my man. Photo by the amazeballs Kate Leigh. You can see the photo highlights of the day here, if youre into that sorta thing. No pressure. Without a hesitant bone in my body, I responded, I do. Happy Anniversary, babe. I love the pants off of you. Thats what she said.